Get VPSBG Advertising Materials

Here you can find a list of our logos, symbols and other imagery that can be used for advertising purposes. We have a plethora of additional materials that you can also use if you choose to show your appreciation and support for our services. Our media kit is a fantastic option for those who wish to take part in our affiliate program and we also highly encourage the use of our materials if you are going to be promoting our hosting services.

However, there are some limitations and restrictions that we are obliged to impose in order to make promoting our services legitimate.

We absolutely prohibit the use of our logos, symbols and any other VPSBG-produced copyrighted content for any illegal or law-breaching projects, materials and advertisements that are deemed illegal by the Bulgarian, European or any other country’s law. You may use our materials only for promotional purposes and cannot place and distribute our materials for personal monetary gain unless you are actively taking part in our affiliate program. Please be warned that legal actions will be taken against those who do not oppose these restrictions.

By downloading our assets, you agree that you will not use VPSBG advertising materials for any illegal actions or personal monetary gain that does not follow our affiliates policy.

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